Sociology War

«Russian World» as a synonym for Russian military aggression

Machine assist­ed translation

Researchers and pub­li­cists from dif­fer­ent coun­tries are look­ing for the sources of Russian aggres­sion in 2022. Many see them in the coun­try’s his­to­ry, its impe­r­i­al past, and pos­si­bly its present.

We talk about this in a pod­cast with Polish diplo­mat, writer, pub­li­cist Piotr Skwiecinski, author of the book “The End of the Russian World? On the Ideological Foundations of Russian Aggression” (in Polish: «Koniec ruskiego miru? O ide­owych źródłach rosyjskiej agresji»), recent­ly pub­lished by the Warsaw pub­lish­ing house «Teologia Polityczna».

It exam­ines not only the ide­o­log­i­cal but also the his­tor­i­cal and mytho­log­i­cal foun­da­tions of the Russian inva­sion of Ukraine, sum­ma­riz­ing the expe­ri­ence of Russian his­to­ry from the time of Ivan the Terrible, oth­er tsars and auto­crat­ic emper­ors, to the Communist era. In the pod­cast we elab­o­rate on the reign of Alexander the Third.

Through the Polish lens, Piotr Skwiecinski looks not only at Russian his­to­ry but also at its cur­rent real­i­ties, try­ing to under­stand why Russian soci­ety sup­ports the invasion.

We also dis­cuss in the pod­cast the mean­ing of the ques­tion mark in the book’s title and why the term «Russian world» is not writ­ten in Polish (this phrase is already firm­ly embed­ded in the Polish lan­guage as a syn­onym for Russian mil­i­tary aggres­sion, the author states).

Podcast hero:

Piotr Skwiecinski — lived in Russia for many years, in recent years (until April 2022) worked as head of the Cultural Center at the Polish Embassy in Moscow. Expelled from Russia, along with a group of Polish diplo­mats after the out­break of full-scale war. A his­to­ri­an by train­ing, jour­nal­ist until 2019 (includ­ing pres­i­dent of the Polish Press Agency, colum­nist for «Życia», «Rzeczpospolita» and the week­ly «w Sieci»). Including cov­er­ing the Russian protests of 2011-2012 and beyond. Currently a diplomat.

Podcast in Russian.
Authors: Evgeny Nasyrov, Yegor Chizhov.

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, ,   24.03.2023