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41 Nobel lau­re­ates in an open let­ter called on world lead­ers not to rec­og­nize Putin’s legit­i­ma­cy as president

“Give up any illu­sions regard­ing Mr. Putin” called world politi­cians thir­ty-nine Nobel lau­re­ates. Inan appeal pub­lished in sev­en lan­guages, sci­en­tists demand not to rec­og­nize Putin as a legal pres­i­dent-elect, increase aid to Ukraine, res­cue polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in Russia, sup­port Russian demo­c­ra­t­ic anti-Putin orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing inde­pen­dent Russian media.

“The war in Ukraine and the mur­der of Alexei Navalny con­cern not only Russia and Ukraine. Putin’s regime has shown that it pos­es a direct and obvi­ous threat to all human­i­ty,” note physi­cists, chemists, biol­o­gists, econ­o­mists and writ­ers. They range from those who received sci­ence’s top prize more than forty-five years ago, like 1979 Nobel Prize win­ner in physics Sheldon Glashaw, to those who received it more recent­ly, like 2023 Physiology or Medicine Prize win­ner Drew Weissman .

The sig­na­to­ries believe that politi­cians under­es­ti­mate the crit­i­cal­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion the world is in and remind heads of state of the lessons of the past: 

History teach­es us that appeas­ing the aggres­sor leads to fur­ther crimes against human­i­ty. No tem­po­rary ben­e­fits can jus­ti­fy this. We strong­ly oppose a repeat of Munich 1938!

“It is quite nat­ur­al that this appeal appeared on behalf of the great­est sci­en­tists, because we are expe­ri­enc­ing a deci­sive moment in his­to­ry. It is impor­tant to real­ize that the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion in the world rep­re­sents some­thing more than just a local war between Russia and Ukraine or even a con­flict between Russia and the West. Instead, we are wit­ness­ing a tec­ton­ic cul­tur­al shift with unpre­dictable con­se­quences. Unfortunately, politi­cians and the world com­mu­ni­ty have not yet ful­ly real­ized the seri­ous­ness of this con­flict. That is why the state­ment of world sci­en­tists, led by Nobel lau­re­ates who signed this let­ter, is of such para­mount impor­tance. Politicians are oblig­ed to heed the call of the lau­re­ates, oth­er­wise we will all face the fate of the heroes of the film “Don’t look up”who died because that they refused to believe in the seri­ous­ness of the cat­a­stro­phe pre­dict­ed by sci­en­tists,” not­ed Alexander Kabanov, one of the ini­tia­tors of the appeal, pro­fes­sor at the University of North Carolina, mem­ber of the T-invari­ant coor­di­nat­ing council.

You can read the let­ter in 7 lan­guages and also leave your sig­na­ture under it using the link

