Repression Standpoint

The Ministry of Justice included T-invariant in the register of foreign agents

On March 22, 2024, the Ministry of Justice includ­ed T-invari­ant in the reg­is­ter of for­eign agents

What for?
According to the Ministry of Justice, “the T-invari­ant project opposed the spe­cial mil­i­tary oper­a­tion in Ukraine and car­ried out pub­lic actions aimed at cre­at­ing a neg­a­tive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He dis­sem­i­nat­ed false infor­ma­tion about the deci­sions tak­en by pub­lic author­i­ties of the Russian Federation and the poli­cies pur­sued by them, took part in the cre­ation and dis­sem­i­na­tion of mes­sages and mate­ri­als of for­eign agents to an unlim­it­ed cir­cle of people.”

About the reg­is­ter of for­eign agents: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

How do we feel about this?
We do not agree with the deci­sion of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and will appeal it in all pos­si­ble ways. The activ­i­ties of the T-invari­ant project are car­ried out in the inter­ests of Russian soci­ety. Information about deci­sions made by pub­lic author­i­ties is care­ful­ly checked. We con­duct hon­estin­for­ma­tion­about the war with Ukraine and its con­se­quences for Russian sci­ence in the inter­ests of Russian cit­i­zens and the whole world.

Will we com­ply with label­ing require­ments for our content?
Yes, we will. This is due to the fact that we want to avoid crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion, which would seri­ous­ly inter­fere with our fur­ther work.

What does this mean for our readers,listeners and viewers?
Nothing. The con­sump­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of con­tent pro­duced by for­eign agents is not pun­ish­able by Russian law. You can also sup­port us by repost­ing, lik­ing and send­ing links to us. It is our respon­si­bil­i­ty to report that this con­tent is pro­duced by a for­eign agent. We will report our sta­tus, but you are under no obligation.

What does this threat­en our experts and respondents?
Nothing. Interviews or com­ments pro­vid­ed to for­eign agents are not pun­ish­able by Russian law. However, we will under­stand every­one who wants to com­mu­ni­cate with us anony­mous­ly from now on. We wel­come any contacts.

What does this threat­en us with?
We will have­many prob­lems of var­i­ous kinds. But we are deter­mined to do even bet­ter in your inter­ests. During the first year of our exis­tence there were many of us quote in Russia and out­side it.

They began to rec­og­nize us and lis­ten to us. Tell your inter­locu­tors about us and let’s keep in touch!

Editorial T-invari­ant
