Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Sergey Chernyshov

Sergey Chernyshov
Date of inci­dent: May 26, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: recog­ni­tion by a for­eign agent, dismissal
Institution: Novosibirsk Novocollege

Summary: On May 26, col­lege direc­tor Sergey Chernyshov was rec­og­nized as a for­eign agent. The main rea­son is the refusal to hold “Conversations about the Important” in the col­lege. For some time he remained the direc­tor. As Chernyshov wrote in his VK, a for­eign agent can­not teach, but he can orga­nize the learn­ing process, that is, he can work as a direc­tor. But this state did not last long - on June 15, Chernyshov left the post of direc­tor of the New College.

Sources: Siberia.Realities, VK by Sergey Chernyshov (posts on May 26 and June 15)
