Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Alexandra Arkhipova

Alexandra Arkhipova
Date of inci­dent: May 26, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: declared as a for­eign agent
Institution: inde­pen­dent researcher

Summary: The mes­sage from the Ministry of Justice says: “A.S. Arkhipova in coop­er­a­tion with for­eign agents took part in the pro­duc­tion of some cer­tain mate­ri­als and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the dis­tri­b­u­tion of these mate­ri­als to an unlim­it­ed num­ber of peo­ple. She dis­sem­i­nat­ed false infor­ma­tion about the activ­i­ties of gov­ern­ment bod­ies of the Russian Federation and the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. She opposed the spe­cial mil­i­tary oper­a­tion in Ukraine”.

Details: Alexandra Arkhipova com­ment­ed on her “for­eign agent” sta­tus on FB: “For the last year I was afraid that I would become a for­eign agent. I was afraid, but I did what, as I thought, was nec­es­sary, because it was was more dif­fi­cult to remain silent. But on Friday I became a for­eign agent, and the fear final­ly went away”.
Currently, Alexandra Arkhipova is out­side the Russian Federation.

Sources: Interfax, List of for­eign agents of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (site may not be avail­able out­side the Russian Federation), FB Ivan Kurilla dat­ed May 26, 2023, E1.
