Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow Aviation Institute
Date of inci­dent: March 20, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: coer­cion to sign a sum­mons to the mil­i­tary reg­is­tra­tion and enlist­ment office to receive a diploma
Institution: Moscow Aviation Institute

Summary: Students of the Moscow Aviation Institute who grad­u­at­ed from the spe­cial­ist’s pro­grams report­ed that they are being denied diplo­mas until they sign the sum­mons to the mil­i­tary reg­is­tra­tion and enlist­ment office. One of the stu­dents said that along with the diplo­ma, it is required to sign a sum­mons in the office where diplo­mas are issued, and he sits as a mil­i­tary com­mis­sar. This takes place in the branch of the insti­tute on the Taganskaya metro station.

One of the stu­dents, who had already gone to the mil­i­tary reg­is­tra­tion and enlist­ment office on such an agen­da, said that they tried to recruit him there for con­tract ser­vice. He not­ed that they are try­ing to get stu­dents with high­er edu­ca­tion, to con­clude a contract.
On February 21, a solemn pre­sen­ta­tion of diplo­mas with hon­ors to grad­u­ates of 2023 took place, and the rest of the diplo­mas were issued at the direc­torate of the insti­tute togeth­er with the mil­i­tary commissar.

Source: Radio Svoboda, RBC
