Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Konstantin Miroshnikov

Konstantin Miroshnikov
Date of inci­dent: March 15, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: dis­missal
Institution: Moscow International University

Summary: Konstantin Miroshnikov, teacher of the Introduction to Journalism course and for­mer employ­ee of Echo of Moscow radio sta­tion, was dis­missed by agree­ment of the par­ties from Moscow International University. The dis­missal was the result of denun­ci­a­tions. According to the author of one of the denun­ci­a­tions, Miroshnikov gave stu­dents a report on the top­ic “A jour­nal­ist and his activ­i­ties.” When grad­ing, the opin­ions of the teacher and the stu­dent regard­ing the text about the VGTRK employ­ee dif­fered, a denun­ci­a­tion was writ­ten against the teacher and Konstantin Miroshnikov was fired.

Source: Radio Freedom
