Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Students of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Students of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
Date of inci­dent: January 26, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: threat of expulsion
Institution: College of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University “Tourism”

Summary: St. Petersburg State Agrarian University col­lege stu­dents Ekaterina and Anastasia were sum­moned to the dean’s office because they sub­scribed to the Smart Voting pro­jec­t’s mail­ing list. They are threat­ened with expul­sion, but the man­age­ment claims that this is due to poor aca­d­e­m­ic per­for­mance, although the record­ing of the con­ver­sa­tion does not cor­re­spond to this. Both stu­dents claim that they signed up for the mail­ing list before the sum­mer of 2021, that is, before the Smart Voting project was rec­og­nized as extremist.
Source: Fontanka
