Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Artem Izgagin

Artem Izgagin
Date of inci­dent: January 11, 2023
Type of vio­la­tion: penal­ty
Institution: Pervouralsk Metallurgical College

Summary: On January 11, Artem Izgagin, a math­e­mat­ics teacher from the Pervouralsk Metallurgical College, was con­vict­ed of dis­cred­it­ing the Russian army. The court imposed a fine of 40 thou­sand rubles. After the start of the spe­cial oper­a­tion, he post­ed sev­er­al posts on social net­works, in which the court saw “dis­cred­it­ing the army.” State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein demand­ed that the teacher be fired for his publications.
