Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Olesya Krivtsova

Olesya Krivtsova
Date of inci­dent: 26 December 2022
Types of vio­la­tion: house arrest, expulsion
Institution: Northern (Arctic) University, Arkhangelsk

Summary: In December 2022, Russian author­i­ties placed Olesya Kryvtsova, a stu­dent at Northern (Arctic) University, under house arrest after speak­ing out on social media against Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine. Krivtsova was threat­ened with a term of up to sev­en years for dis­cred­it­ing the army and jus­ti­fy­ing ter­ror­ism. Olesya Krivtsova left the house arrest and left the coun­try. She cur­rent­ly lives in Lithuania.

Source: telegram chan­nel Freedom for Olesya Krivtsova

Details: On May 9, 2022, Olesya Krivtsova dis­trib­uted anti-war leaflets, which led to her arrest and ten hours of police deten­tion. Although the admin­is­tra­tive case was closed, the crim­i­nal case was ini­ti­at­ed in December 2022. On December 26, Olesya’s apart­ment was searched, she was detained, accused of dis­cred­it­ing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and jus­ti­fy­ing ter­ror­ism. As a result, she was placed under house arrest with restric­tions on cer­tain activ­i­ties, includ­ing the use of the Internet. Olesya was no longer able to attend class­es at the uni­ver­si­ty and was denied aca­d­e­m­ic leave, which led to her expul­sion. The tri­al is ongo­ing and the restraint mea­sures remain in place, with house arrest extend­ed until May 12. Despite this, on March 15, Olesya Krivtsova left home and left the coun­try. The polit­i­cal pris­on­er sup­port team of the for­mer Memorial Center rec­og­nizes Olesya Krivtsova as a polit­i­cal prisoner.
