Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Ilya Inishev

Ilya Inishev
Date of inci­dent: December 27, 2022
Type of vio­la­tion: Dismissal
Institution: Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow

Summary: On December 27, 2022, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow fired Ilya Inishev, who had been a pro­fes­sor at the HSE since 2010, where he head­ed the mas­ter’s pro­gram in Cultural Studies.
Sources: Insider SibReal Doxa
Code of Conduct for HSE University Staff

In November 2022, the chair­man of the HSE Academic Ethics Committee told Ilya Inishev that the use of obscene words could lead to his con­vic­tion under the code of ethics.
On December 27, 2022, the HSE in Moscow fired Ilya Inishev, who since 2010 held the posi­tion of pro­fes­sor at the HSE, where he led the mas­ter’s pro­gram in Cultural Studies.
The deci­sion to dis­miss was offi­cial­ly car­ried out by the “com­mis­sion on aca­d­e­m­ic ethics”, how­ev­er, accord­ing to Ilya Inishev, the ide­ol­o­gist of the dis­missal could be HSE Vice-Rector Koshel Alexey Sergeevich, a mem­ber of the Moscow Public Chamber, Doctor of Law, Professor at the Faculty of Law at the Higher School of Economics.
Ilya Inishev was offi­cial­ly fired for an “immoral act,” as the ethics com­mis­sion called the use of obscene lan­guage in a com­ment on a Facebook post pub­lished back in the spring, although the real rea­son for his dis­missal was his anti-war views, which he expressed on his social media accounts.
