Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Denis Skopin

Denis Skopin
Incident date: 10/​26/​2022
Type of vio­la­tion: Dismissal
Institution: Saint Petersburg State University

Summary: On October 26, 2022, Denis Skopin, a pro­fes­sor at St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU), was fired after protest­ing against the mobi­liza­tion of men liable for mil­i­tary ser­vice in Russia.
Sources: RFERL</ a> Bumaga

Denis Skopin, pro­fes­sor of phi­los­o­phy at St Petersburg University, was detained at a protest against the mobi­liza­tion of those liable for mil­i­tary ser­vice. Three weeks lat­er, he received a call from the uni­ver­si­ty’s per­son­nel depart­ment telling him that the uni­ver­si­ty admin­is­tra­tion had fired him for an “immoral act” (protest).
This can be seen as a vio­la­tion of aca­d­e­m­ic free­doms, which include the right to free­dom of speech and expres­sion. Academic free­dom includes the right of teach­ers to express their opin­ions and engage in polit­i­cal activ­i­ties with­out fear of reprisal from their place of work. Skopin’s dis­missal is the result of his involve­ment in polit­i­cal activ­i­ties, so it is con­sid­ered a vio­la­tion of his aca­d­e­m­ic free­dom and the right to free­dom of speech.
