Chronicles of persecution of scientists

Andrey Boyarshinov

Andrey Boyarshinov
Date of inci­dent: March 17, 2022

Type of vio­la­tion: arrest.

Institution: Kazan Federal University.

Summary: Kazan activists have not received approval for a mass pick­et in sup­port of Andrei Boyarshinov, who has been in jail for almost a year. The Executive Committee of Kazan did not approve the pur­pose of the action, con­sid­er­ing it ambigu­ous and incon­sis­tent with the law. Andrey Boyarshinov is a can­di­date of bio­log­i­cal sci­ences and a for­mer activist of the Navalny Headquarters in Kazan, who was detained in March 2022 under an arti­cle about calls for ter­ror­ist activ­i­ties. He faces up to sev­en years in prison.

September 20, 2023 is the next hear­ing in the case. Information about the tri­al in Samara on the telegram chan­nel Freedom to Andrey Boyarshinov.

Update September 20, 2023: A hear­ing has tak­en place. As the telegram chan­nel Svoboda reports to Andrey Boyarshinov, the court inter­ro­gat­ed wit­ness­es. The court extend­ed Boyarshinov’s deten­tion in the pre-tri­al deten­tion cen­ter until December 27. The telegram chan­nel does not report the date of the next court hearing.

Sources: Idel.Realities
